Thursday, June 08, 2006

English essay

I recommmend this web site(
In this site, you can read writer 's misunderstanding when he lived in USA.
It is very funny!!

Internet Essays

You're learning to write paragraphs and essays in this class. One of the best ways to learn that is by reading good examples of essays. That's why I gave you a copy of an essay from the Japan Times to study.

This week I'd like everyone to find an English essay they like on the Internet. There are lots of them out there on the Internet, about almost every topic you can imagine, from sports to politics, including Japanese politics (or was that article about Japanese higher education?), and from music to technology.

Find an essay on the Internet, in English, about something that interests you, and that you think might interest the rest of us. Post a link to it in this week's blog message.


I read an English paper.I read mostly THE DAILY YOMIURI.If you read THE DAILY YOMIURI,you can study current English.You can get information about it.
And I read English Zone.English Zone has many subjects;psychology,sports,movies,medicine,love and so on.You can get information about it.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Hello everyone!

How are you? I'm fine but I'm very busy now. A few weeks ago I said I was idle. But now I have a lot of tests and reports. So I have to study hard,for I didn't study hard and have many
understanded things. I have lots of things to do soon. I think had to study everyday without saying I'm idle. Even if you don't have a test now,you should study in order to be repent afterward that.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


These days , I listen to house.
House is a kind of club music.
It is a excited music.
My favorite artist is GTS.
They are great.
So let's listen to house music.

Anniversal Competition of University's Founding

Last Saturday, I had my first competition of golf at Tsugaru country club.
It was anniversal competition of university's founding.

I didn't compete against other golf clubs , but just among our Hirosaki University golf club.
Because it was my first competition, I was so nervous. But my senior who played in same party encouraged me, so I could play relaxing.

My goal was the first place among rookies and I did it!
I got the cup and drunk with it. It was so great experience!

I'll keep practicing golf.
My next goal is to take part in Hokuitai next year.

First match of karate

This Sunday, I played karate match for the first time. I played two match. Fortunately, I won the first match, but I lost second. I played twice running, and I don't have strength, so I was completely tired. But I enjoyed match!

Monday, June 05, 2006

I'm so tired.

I have been very busy lately.I practice kendo every day.I'm so tired.The time for match,hokuitai,approaches.However I am very tired,I'll do my best!!I want to win.
Moreover,I fall into poverty!Oh my God!Help me!I have to work part-time.I want to earn money!I want to ask my classmates.Do you have part-time job?What's kind of part-time job?

I'm so tired.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Walking Race

This weekend, I participated in a walking race in Akita.
We had to walk 40km long.
I started walking at nine p.m. on Saturday.
On my way, I felt bad pain in my legs.
I finally reached the goal with my teammates at five a.m. on Sunday.
I'm exhaused and I have terrible muscle pain.
But it was a good experience.

Walking Race

This weekend, I participated in a walking race in Akita.
We had to walk 40km long.
I started walking at nine p.m. on Saturday.
On my way, I felt bad pain in my legs.
I finally reached the goal with my teammates at five a.m. on Sunday.
I'm exhaused and I have terrible muscle pain.
But it was a good experience.

I have a bad cold・・・.

Hello, everyone!
I have a bad cold from Friday. My temperature went up to 39.3 degrees centigrade at night. I was very surprised because I had been very fine on the morning of Friday. On Saturday, I went to hospital and I got some cold medicines. Today, I have a slight fever・・・. I want to cure a cold as soon as possible.
Please take care of yourself not to catch a cold.