Saturday, October 31, 2009

My hometown, Grand Rapids, Michigan

I don't know if you know it or not, but both Professor Carpenter and I were born in Michigan in the United States. I was born in Grand Rapids, a small town in the southwest of the state. I moved away when I was young, before I started school in fact, and I've lived a lot of places (they say Americans are always on the go), Los Angeles mostly, but my birth is still registered in the Kent County Courthouse in Grand Rapids.

Grand Rapids is a very religious town. In fact, Wikipedia has a whole category about religion in Grand Rapids, rather than just a single page about it. When I was born my father taught at Aquinas College, a Catholic college in town run by the Dominicans, one of the three great intellectual orders of the Catholic Church.

Of course Grand Rapids is very modern now, and has changed a lot since I was born there, but there is still a lot of traditional Americana there.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

blog vol.3

Turning fall, we can saw red leaves when we go outside. I like fall season very much.Of course, they said that some people feel sentiment(? or sad?) in fall, I feel it, too, but we can have a good time to eat tasty food in fall.

There are many fall's vegetables and fruits at super market. Especially, my favorite food is pampkins. I ate a Halloween lunch with my friend at Hirosaki university's restaurant today! We were very pleased because we could ate two slices of punpkin and a cup of punpkin's soup. And I want to cook with my friends by using punpkins until this year.

So I'd like to ask you to your favorite fall's foods. What fall's foods do you like?

blog vol.3

All sorts of things happen to us as long as we live. Of course, life is not all beer and skittles. Everyone has a bad day sometimes. Everyone makes mistakes now and then.

"When you feel low about failing, what would you do?"

As for as I'm concerned, it is better for you to dismiss the problem from your mind because you can't win them all. We dread failure, however, we can learn a lot of things from bitter experience. As the saying goes, failure teaches success.

blog vol.3

This homework couldn't be understood a little. Does some free topics be proposed and an exchange of views be done each other by a student? If I make a mistake in understanding, I'm sorry.

Entertainers are collected from the prefecture where a club in Hirosaki is various this week for my topic, and there is an event to which a dance and a song are announced.
One is dancing, too, I'm here, so it's very pleasant that people's various dances can be seen.
An event name is "unity gate". The "denega" in the back of the "tohoku jyosi tannki universuty" from eight o'clock Saturday, this week, so, I think if it's leisure, you should come to play.
The new-style flu is popular, everyone, please be careful. c ya(^^)/