Friday, December 15, 2006

University Life

I guess the only things you all have in common is that you are all students at Hirosaki University, and that you are all Japanese. Usually I have at least one exchange student in English classes, but not this time. You have a wide range of other interests, too, and that has meant that there are not many comments from you on other students blog entries.

Some of the other things you have mentioned are good, and I will probably ask about them later. But the best suggestions are all about leaving messages about university life, what interests you about this university, what you have learned about seminars, places to go, people to see, things to learn, little secrets of university life. I used to tell new freshmen at my own university that it took them four years to find out what was going on, and then they left.

Tell each other what you would like them to know about Hirosaki University.

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