Thursday, January 18, 2007

My bad! m(__)m

I didn't realize classes were cancelled on Friday for the entance exam Saturday and Sunday.

I went to a Union party tonight and got drunk. They told me there are no classes tomorrow. (I had wondered why there was a party on Thursday.) So there is no class tomorrow. I will have to figure out a blog assignment for this coming week. I can't give you a regular writing assignment for next week. But I can give you a blog assignment. But not now. I'm drunk, and I have to go home. My doctor has already told me I'm drinking too much, but that's Japan, there are all these 'nomikai' to go to.


(as they say in America) and you will find the blog assignment when I sober up.

(Tomorrow when I am sober I will try to come up wiht another blog assignment for you.)

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