Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Great Dictator

Hi, everyone.
We watched "The Great Dictator" last Friday.
I had never watched this movie, so I really enjoyed.

The story starts with the scene of a battlefield.
A man (acted by Chaplin) meets an injured man in the war.
The two take plane and the plane falls.
But they escape death.

Some years later, the country where the man running barbershop lives is under the control of "The Great Dictator."
He resembles the man of barbershop (the dictator is also acted by Chaplin) but they are each another persons.

Thus, in this movie, Chaplin acts two persons.
I think it is very interesting idea.
But I was confused a little because the face of barbershop runner and that of the dictator is the same.
Tomorow, I try to understand the story completely!

See you to tomorrow, and good night:-O

Erika Nishimura

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