Monday, June 20, 2005

Learning English

I think although we (including me, of course) , the Japanese,
are good at reading and writing English,
we aren't at speaking and listening it.
That's because the Japanese people traditionally translated
the documents of the West (Euroe and America)
and widened their knowledge.
There, they don't need the skills of speaking and listening and
we come to be afraid of making mistakes(grammer,pronunciation,etc).
So, now, we need to change the stale and passive traditions.
We have to study not only English but also Japanese itself.


Anonymous said...

I think so. We must learn the skills of speaking and listening.
In the future, we will need them...

Professor Philips said...

Yes, Japanese should learn speaking and listening, but also writing. Knowledge shouldn't just go into Japan, and many Japanese complain that outsiders don't understand them, but they don't know how to explain themselves.

As for studying Japanese also, I think learning other languages helps you understand your own.