Sunday, November 20, 2005


Now it's getting colder and colder.This is a big problem for me.So,today, I'll explain about it.
I belong to the KENDO club,you know. We practice in the practice holl at this university.The problem is there are no heating system!For the first time I knew it,I couldn't believe it. In spite of snow falling, why aren't there any heaters? We practice kendo with bare feet,of course.That's why we hurt the bottom of our foot every time.Sometimes when it is severe cold,we lose felling of my foot.

I wish it would be warm as early as possible.This my wish is prematurity,isn't this?

1 comment:

ぷてな said...

What!? There are no heating system!?? It's incredible!
Your wish is completely natural.
Please console your foot for that's perseverance.