Friday, January 27, 2006

Finishing class

We only have a few weeks left, and on Monday I plan to have you practice some listening. This is your chance to tell me what you want to do for the final class meetings. What do you think we left out that is important? What should we do more? Which skills do you think we should have worked on more? What information about English, its history, its dialects, its grammar and its vocabulaty, its literature and folklore, or anything else there is about English, do you think I should talk about in the remaining few classes?

1 comment:

Professor Philips said...

Memorization of vocabulary usually works better if you can use the word in context. Try including it in a blog entry, or using it in an e-mail to a friend, or in a conversation with someone.

The way I used to increase my English vocabulary was taking Latin. My sister tells me it's the 21st Century now, not the 1st century, but it's a fact that most English words, especially the higher vocabulary, are from Latin. Some universities in the States offer Latin classes specifically designed to help people expand their vocabulary. I think we still have Latin classes here, mostly for the medical students.