Sunday, November 19, 2006

My feeling toward the documentary.

First, I want to say for Professor Philips "I enjoyed music".
I thought that Amazing Grace is strong music and very popular in America.
I understand that Amazing Grace is sung by a lot of people, and the sung time, place and occasion are many different kinds of after watching this documentary.
I like documentary: can hear frank opinions and can see various cultures.
However, I dislike tedious documentary.
Finally, I enjoyed Amazing Grace but couldn't get only half substance, because it is made up of English(^^;

1 comment:

Professor Philips said...

I know what you mean about tedious documentaries. I hope this one wasn't. Also, this documentary was about music, so you could enjoy it even if you couldn't understand the English. Finally, I hope it was good listening practice for you. I know they are testing for listening skills now, but I also know students don't have much ability at listening to English, from lack of practice.