Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Walk too Long and more...

Last week I walked to Ajigasawa town from Hirosaki university.It is a event of table club I belong to. I walked about 40 km and it started from AM6:00. We walked about 9 hour.

So I was very tired and had muscle pain. I still have one. I can't run and it is hard for me to ride my bicycle.

Many people don't think we need much physical strength to play table tennis. But iti is wrong! Never it is true! We need enough physical strength and mental power.

Table tennis is very famous but not popular sport.Many people think it is not a sport but a game.I feel sad when I hear it.It is a very hard sport!

In Japan onnsenn takkyuu ( playing tabke tennis after having a bath) is very famous.But it isn't different to table tennis!

If someone is interested in table tennis, you should try to go table tennis club or circle.You may realize what I want to say.

my club's URL

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