Friday, June 05, 2009

How to make hizika fusiforme boiled slowly ina soy broth!

Cooking ingredients ( enough for four)
Dried hizika fusiforme 70g
A carrot
A great burdock
A pack of konnyaku noodles
Two piece of deep-fried tofu
A can of soybeans boiled with only a pinch of salt
A kind of fish paste
Two piece of dried shiitake mashrooms

How to make it??
1. Parboil konnyaku noodles and cut them to be good for eating.
2. Soak dried shiitake mashrooms in water and cut them. ( Don’t throw away the water in which they had been soaked! )
3. Put some water into a frying pan and boil dried hizika fusiforme. Then if it comes to boil, turn off the gas and steam it for about one minute and throw away the water.
4. Cut a carrot into fine strips and shave small thin slivers from a great bursock.
5. Boil two piece of deep-fried tofu to remove the fat and cut them into bite-sized pieces.
6. Put hizika fusiforme, a great burdock, konnyaku noodles, deep-fried tofu, a can of soybeans boiled with only a pinch of salt, a kind of fish paste, dried shiitake mashrooms and the water in which they had been soaked, two and half tablespoons of cooking alcohol, soy sauce and sweet sake into a frying pan. Then light a gas ring and if it comes to boil, put a carrot into it and boil it still more.

This is very delicious!

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