Thursday, July 10, 2014


I'd like to talk about my favorite food! I love kimuchi that Korean traditional food. I eat kimuchi almost everyday at dinner and I can eat two bowl of rice with eating kimuchi!

And, kimuchi is not just spicy and delicious, but also very high nutritional value. Kimuchi is include garlic and chili that are effective against colds etc, and this is fermented food. So it has a lot of nutrition, for example, lactic acid bacteria that good for intestinal and many amino acid, vitamin! Because of this, kimuchi is said good for health! However, eating a lot of kimuchi every day is not so good because it is so spicy and strong stimulation for stomach or other digestive organ:(  In addition, taking in a lot of  lactic acid bacteria is cause of  diarrhea.

But kimuchi is so deliscious!! How about eating kimuchi moderately for health?


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