Tuesday, January 06, 2015

About vacation

 Hi everyone.
 I am going to explane my thinking about vacation in Japan.
 First, The vacation in japan is different from it in Europe. The vacation in Japan is shorter than it in Europe. There are two big vacation in Japan, summer and winter vacation. Summer vacation of students is 1 - 2 months and it of adults is about a week. This is so short! Some country in Europe has 2 - 3 months in their summer vacation. Winter vacation in Japan is NEW YEAR's vacation and about two week in students and a week in adults. Futhermore, Students in Japan have one more vacation, spring vacation. In Japan, students have a lot of vacation but adults is not so much vacation.
 Second, We use two big vacation to return our hometown. Obon is a term in summer to return hometown and hold service for a departed soul. Shougatsu is a term in winter to congratulate a new year with a relative in their hometown. To return hometown is important for us.
 The vacation in Japan is interesting!
 Thank you.

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