Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Self Education

First of all, I'm sorry to be late to write to this blog.

I will introduce myself.

My name is Kensuke Saitou. I am eighteen years old. My hometown is Aomori city.
I major in medicine.

My hobby is reading . My favorite writer is Makoto Siina and Misima Yukio.

I belong to table tennis club.Table tennis looks like easy , but it's a very hard sport.
But table tennis is interesting, and the club teaches me very useful things .(I learn how to drink alcoholic in the club)

I really want to be good at speaking and wrighting in English.To tell the truth , I'm not good at English. But I`ll try to do my best in this class.I'm try and try.

1 comment:

Professor Philips said...

Please (and this is a comment to everyone in the class) do not confess to criminal activities on the blog. Kensuke here admits that his age is 18 and that he is learning to drink alcohol in his club. The legal age of drinking alcohol in Japan is 20 and drinking below that age is a crime. DON'T DO IT! It's not a joking matter.

I drink alcohol myself, probably more than is good for me, but I do not advocate that anyone break the law (except in a case of an act of civil disobedience). Do not drink if you are underage and DO NOT CONFESS TO CRIMES ON THE INTERNET. Everyone on the Interenet can see it. If the table tennis club gets busted as a result of this I will not take the blame. They shouldn't be doing this.

On the other hand, lowering the drinking age to 18 might be a matter for discussion. Australia has an 18 year old drinking age. When I was in college many states in the US had 18 year old drinking ages. This led to a problem because college students would drive across state lines, get drunk, drive back and cause accidents. The Federal government decided that they would not build highways in states with drinking ages below 21, so now it is 21 in every state. Should it be 18? It is in Canada. Just so all states are the same. That's safest.