Friday, November 06, 2015

About my major

Hello.I'd like to introduce my major.

My major is art education.I don't intend to become a teacher but I want to study art, so I'm taking this course.In my course, I study about picture, design,sculpture,history of art and so on.
These are very fun for me.And there are only three first grade students in my course including me.It's very few.But we are very good friends.Also,I think  art course's professores are little strange.They teach their classes in their own way and their looks are individual.
I don't know what am I going to be in the future, but I'll keep study art hard.

Thank you.

15P1261 April Hikari Tsukuta.

1 comment:

Professor Philips said...

Artists have a reputation for being a bit eccentric, of course. I think I should warn you though, that first year college students are called "freshmen" not "first grade students" which applies only to grade school students in elementary school.