How is your exam, is it good?
For me, next week is gonna be BLACK WEEK..nooooo.
I am gonna have to take tests everydayyy...
Honesty, I cannot wait two weeks from now.
Anyway, free topic.
Hmm.... I am still wondering what should I write about.
OK, I will write on movie that I wanna watch because recent topic was "MOVIE".
First, I wanna watch again " The Great Dictator".
The reason is because the actors spoke English little bit faster than the present cinema, I cannot hear their talking clearly some parts. Also, the last speech in the movie was so amazing. His talking made all people change at least me, I thought.
Second, it is "Invisible children".
Most of you might not know this movie, I think.
This is on child soldiers documentary movie which was created by 3 young Americans.
Because I wrote thiesis on child soldiers in Uganda when I was third-year-high school student, this movie attract me so much.
Good luck your examm ~