Wednesday, July 27, 2005

the homework of 6/16

I think there are mainly three ways to learn English. Those are speaking, listenning, and writing. Among these ways, I think listening and writing are quite easy to do, but speaking is quite difficult to do by oneself. Speaking needs partners, positivities, and courages not to fear mistakes. And experiences are indispensable to develope good speaking skills . So, I recommend that English teachers give more time for students to present their speech to other people in English. This will greatly raise our English speaking skills.

1 comment:

Professor Philips said...

IIIB is a composition class. If you want to practice speaking English in class, well, you are supposed to speak English in class. WHY DON'T YOU?!?!?!?!

Actually, writing is better for your speaking than you might realize. I was surprised how much composition practice for my Hausa and Arabic classes helped my speaking ability.