Monday, October 23, 2006

Oh, dear! (@_@)

I was going to give an assignment on Friday, wasn't I? Sorry about that. Someone came by my office after class and I had to deal with that. Then there was a problem with the office that I had to deal with (and that's still not finished). Then I was expected to go to the Middle East peace cartoonists talk and exhibition at the 50th Anniversary Hall. Then they had a party for the cartoonists at a nearby shamisen bar and I was expected to go to that, too. Then I had to get back to Akita to see my family. I bought food and wine at Yamaya in Akita and drove back the long way through Hachimantai. I really like the selection at Yamaya.

Hachimantai was beautiful yesterday, and crowded with people taking pictures of the fall foliage. I wish I had more time to see the natural beauty of northern Tohoku. I'm glad I at least got to visit Hachimantai this year. I hope I get out to Towadako or someplace like that this year.

What did you do this weekend? Probably you weren't as busy as I was, but you must have done something besides study English. Even if you just relaxed at home and caught up on your sleep, Please blog about it and tell us what you have done the past few days.

1 comment:

Ikumi said...

Wow! You had a lot of to do!

I wasn't so busy this weekend.
But Ihad practice for school festival.
And I went to shopping. It was usual weekend.