Wednesday, July 02, 2008

battle against oil

One day,I noticed that a bad smell was coming from kitchen. "Where is coming from?"I thought.

I looked for the cluprit. What do you think it is?

It was oily dirt of a ventilation fan. So I decided to clean it completely.

I wondered why that bad smell had developed although I didn't cook so much often.

At first,I look the ventilation fan. That was exactly what I thought.

Soon,I took the action.
The dirt was worse than I had expected.So I tried using various kinds of cleansers.






It took about an hour.I won.
The ventilation fan became very very very clean!I was happy.
Through the trying,I discovered the most useful cleanser was キュキュッと クエン酸入り.
Please use it when you clean something.

Thank you for reading.

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