Friday, June 20, 2014

Young people traveling the world

I found this article searching the web, and recommended it to my son, who's also in college. It seems many young people are traveling the world, and learning from their experiences. I myself took off from college in the middle, and made my decision to study African history. One of my seminar students took off in the middle of college and travelled around Asia for a year. When he got back he knew what he wanted to do with his life. I recommend you to try the same. It's a lot cheaper than you think, especially if you work while you're traveling.

In the summer of 2012, at age 24, I left home to travel the world. In just over a year, I backpacked through South America, South Asia, Western Europe, and the western United States. I hiked the Inca Trail, skied the Alps, hitchhiked through Patagonia, and trekked through the Himalayas. I worked at hostels, stayed at a Buddhist monastery, and gardened at an English women’s retreat center in exchange for meals and a place to sleep. And while I learned many things on the trip, what was most surprising was how many people my age were traveling just like me.

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