Friday, May 06, 2005


I'm Takahiro Tsutsumi. I'm from Tokyo big city. But I like Hirosaki.
I'll study english hard,because I want to be American.It's joke....
I want to go to U.S so I'll do!

1 comment:

Professor Philips said...

"I want to be American.It's joke...."

It's a joke? How?

People become American all the time.

Many of my friends in the U.S. were immigrants. The governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, is an immigrant.

There are fewer immigrants from Japan than there used to be in the Meiji and Taisho eras, but there are still many Japanese Americans.

Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii and Professor Francis Fukuyama are two of the most famous.

Being American required no effort on my part, but for many people around the world it is their highest ambition. One of them was Arnold Schwarzenegger, who grew up to become not just an American, but my governor. He might take offense that you think becoming American is a joke.

I won't tell him you said that. (^_-)