Wednesday, February 07, 2007

***My Trip to Los Angeles***

It was about 3 years ago. I saw a vast, red ground from a plane for Los Angeles.
It was my first trip to foreign country, and I was so excited. Our town had given money to our school, and I could go to Los Angeles.

It was end of October, but it was hot. Los Angeles was a little hazy, because it had just occured a forest fire.

We also went Mexico. It was third day of our stay, and completely different from Los Angeles. The border was surrounded by thirsty wilds and buildings were a little old.

The next day, we went to Universal Studios Hollywood. That day was just Halloweem, end many children were dress or funny costume. I saw a boy who was wearing Spider man's suit! And I could see some scenes or sets of movies, for example, "Jaws".

And the last day, we got on with high school students in Los Angeles. But I couldn't make myself understood to them in Engish well. The only word which I could understand was "I am fifteen." Oh my god!!

This trip influenced me greatly. Of course I thought I would like to visit again, and my interest in foreign country became stronger. So I will try hard to learn English more!!

*I added some parts to my assignment I wrote before.

Thank you.


Professor Philips said...

I've lived in Los Angeles (basically on the west side) longer than anywhere else I've ever lived, and I'm still registered to vote there. I miss the place a lot, but I was back there just a few years ago. Did you get to eat Mexican food, or American style Chinese food, or Jewish Deli food, or Middle Eastern food like felafels? Those are my favorite Angeleno foods. I always try to eat them whenever I go back. There is also a California cuisine that is new, and a blend of many others. Did you get to try that?

I'm glad you saw Mexico, too. There are only two borders in the world where the border between the developed countries and the Third World is so stark. The other one is the border between North and South Korea, but no one can cross there. The US will have to help Mexico become another developed country, or the US will be swamped by Mexico's population explosion.

But that reminds me, do you know about the Mexican War and the fact that California and several other states used to be part of Mexico? Most Japanese don't seem to get that in world history classes, or even history comic books, but I talk about it in my U.S. history class if you are interested.

noriko said...

I think you had a very good time! When I visited Khabarovsk in Russia, I couldn't understand Russian so much...So I decide to learn it with more effort and I want to visit there again someday. In Russia, some people can speak English. So I'll study English too. I hope you will realize your dream☆

Professor Philips said...

You visited Khabarovsk? I visited Vladivostok. I put some pictures up at if you want to see them. I still have a friend from Vlad, but he married a Brazilian and lives in a warmer climate now. You can visit him at if you want. It is a very interesting blog.

Ikumi said...

>professor philips
Thank you. Yes, I had a good time and I liked those foods! But I didn't try Mexican food, so I will try next time.

I'm interested in U.S. history, so I would like to join your class.

Oh, you went to Russia? Wasn't it cold??? Thank you, and I hope your dream will come true, too!!

Professor Philips said...

I forgot to mention that I like Greek food, but we don't have a lot of Greek Americans in Los Angeles. You have to eat Greek food somewhere else. There are a lot of Ethiopian restaurants in Los Angeles, though, and they are pretty popular. Oh, and Thai food. We have a lot of Thai Americans in Los Angeles. I used to live around the corner from a Thai-Chinese restaurant, and I could get takeout any time.

This is really making me miss Los Angeles. I better stop. I miss living in a multi-ethnic country. I can't believe some Japanese think it is a positive thing to live in a homogeneous country. I'm sorry for them.