Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Goodbye message

Good evening.This is the last homework.

I feel time has passed very quickly.I can't believe I have taken the III B class 15 times.
I feel as if I entered Hirosaki University a few days ago...

Through the III B class,I have learned many things.

First,I learned about paragraph writing.
Before entering the University,I could only write a sentense but didn't know paragraph.
So I'm very happy to learn how to make paragraph.In addition,"unity and coherence,supporting details,facts,quotation and statistics" skill is valuable.
By using these skills,my paragraph becomes more meaningful,interesting.
I keep the textbook and use when I need it!

Next,I hed never tried a blog,so it is very exiting for me.
Everyweek I wrote a blog hard,and enjoyed seeing others' blogs.

I think iiib class was very valuable.

Thank you everyone!

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