Saturday, January 31, 2009

More on Faust

Hardly anyone in the class could think of a story similar to Faust. But this is a very influential story in literature Wikipedia has a long article about Faust, which goes into comparisons of Marlowe's and Goethe's Faust stories. In fact, Wikipedia has a whole category about Faust. It also has an article about other stories based on Faust. Hmmmm. I never knew Osamu Tezuka wrote a manga about Faust. There is another Wikipedia article about deals made with the devil. You'll find a list of other stories with similar deals there. As I mentioned in class, Mephistopheles is such a fascinating character that many other authors have used him in their works of art. Wikipedia features a long list of cultural references to Mephstopheles. Many such references are recent, even current. Some of them you might even know. Check it out.

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