Welcome to the class blog! This week you should write a self introduction in English. Don't forget, this can be read by anyone on the Internet, so be careful what you say! You never know who's watching.
You can read more about me at my website, but since I expect you to write about your selves here I guess it's only fair I do the same.
As I mentioned in class I was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan and moved around a lot all my life. I got a Ph.D. in history at UCLA, where I met a Japanese exchange student also studying Africa. We moved to Japan where we had two children and teach in neighboring universities. I like playing chess, reading, watching movies and listening to music, especially American music, but also African music, European and Indian classical music, and other genres.
In this university I teach American Studies and African Studies, especially history, but I can teach many other things as well.
This class is about writing English, so let's do our best to practice writing English as much as we can!
I look forward to reading everyone else's self introduction.
The undergraduate library at UCLA:
You can see more of my photos on my website, or on facebook.
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