Thursday, May 06, 2010

Golden Week

Hello,everyone. How are you? My Golden Week was good!

I took a trip with my family( father, mother,brother,grandfather,uncle and aunt). We visited Ogose in Saitama and saw waterfall "Kuroyama sanntaki". This waterfall is famous in Saitama. We didn't visit many place because I wasn't able to walk without crutch. However, I was happy because we hadn't met for some time.

I also met friends in my hometown. We had a party at my house. We talked about many many topics. We had a good time.

I was very busy and very tired. However, I had a good time very much!!

1 comment:

Gaijin Mitch said...

I just looked up some pictures on google for the Kuroyama Sanntaki and it's very beautiful. I just wonder if it's the right place. Is there a bridge by the falls with red railings?

I don't remember reading that you hurt your leg, but I hope that it gets better soon. There's nothing worse than having a hurt leg, nothing more inconvenient anyway...except maybe hurting your dominant hand.....