Wednesday, December 15, 2010


My favorite books are "The Dream-Science Guide" series written by Rikao YANAGITA. These books say what the writer tested and calculated about animation characters.
There are an interesting subject in the 8th part of the series. It is nearly these content.

It is said that his IQ is 400, so he is a great genius at least in
,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 people.

3,000,......,000 is 3 followed by 114 zeros (3*10^114) ! However, even the number of molecules in the galaxy is smaller than the number.
My eyes were caught by them. Then I thought like that ; How was it called more easily in English? and I felt like knowing, so I researched naming of large numbers (in the Wikipedia on 12/15 wed.). But I could find from million to just Googol (10^100).
And large numbers in America are not same as ones in Europe. I couldn't get enough information to call this number in American ways.
Any way, it is called 300 septdecillion (100*10^112) in Europe. I'm satisfied.

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