Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Reason Why I'm majoring in the Mechanical Engineering
The Reason Why I'm majoring in the Mechanical Engineering

Hey, guys! My name is Ryunosuke. Today, I'm going to talk why I'm majoring in the mechanical engineering.

I decided to become an engineer because I was inspired by some medias. In particular, some video games give me great ideas and the dream. For example, "Armored Core" is the great reason why I would like to create robots. A series of Armored Core is famous for the high speed mech action(Official Video / Game play part1 / part2). You can find that how Armored Core is so cool with watching videos.
Also, I was inspired by the game, "WipEout." (gameplay is here) WipEout is a series of futuristic racing video game. Players compete in the anti-gravity racing[1].

These are the reason why I'm majoring in the engineering. So how is the reality? Accoring Suidobashi Heavy Industry, they finished to make the 4-leg robot, "KURATAS." The developers aimed to export it and play games with it.

[ KURATAS (SHI), note: it's not CGI! ]

Of course, there are so many other inventions. Mech technologies, especially robots is more and more getting improved. I desire to become the pioneer of the innovation in the mechanical engineering in the future.


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[1]:"Wipeout (video game)" (2013/12/15) <>

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