Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Summer plants

Hello guys! Today's topic is "Summer plants". I would like to introduce you it.

When I was in Finland, I had 4 fost families. My 4th fost family love growing flowers. So, I could learn some flowers names in Finnish. In particular, I could find very interesting name's flower!

This is it!

This is called "Japanin Kello" in Finnish. It means Japanese clock in English.
I asked them the reason of the name, but unfortunately they did not know it.

These flowers are decorated in front of a entrance on house, especially in summer. This is a summer plants for them. Many houses hold it, and decorates own house by like these beautiful summer plants!

In my image of summer plants, it is a Japanese morning glory!
I guess most of people thinks so, too! In summer,  these are everywhere in Japan. I can feel a summer from the flower.
クリックすると新しいウィンドウで開きます Whta is your summer plants???

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