Tuesday, May 05, 2015


 Hi, my name is Sun Yibo. I’m a senior college student majored in mechanics and Japanese from Dalian University of Technology in China. However, I’m now studying mechanics in Hirosaki University in Japan as an exchange student, which has truly been a fantastic experience so far. And though my major seems to have everything to do with math and physics, I have to admit that I find myself even more interested in words other than figures or mathematical notations. And the reason why I ended up with mechanics and Japanese was that I believed I could just learn English by myself anyway, which obviously didn't turn out as my expectation. So now, my goal is to improve both my English and Japanese as much as I could.

 Life in China as a student could be a little boring because the intense competition just kind of forces you to keep studying all kinds of stuff in school, no matter you have interests or not. But luckily, I still keep a few hobbies to entertain myself such as basketball, which I can’t really say I’m good at. Basically it’s just for fun and to keep fit both physically and mentally, as I find playing basketball a pretty good way to get all my negative emotions out of my system. I also joined a school basketball club in Hirosaki University, which was supposed to be relaxing instead of tiring. 

 Besides basketball, I’m also a big fan of music. I love all kinds of music, country and R&B especially. I even have this Karaoke software on my cell phone, with which I could record my own singing. But then the fact is I’m not really good at singing, which is why I’m usually just an audience everytime I go to Karaoke with my friends. If only I had a better voice, I probably would be a street singer, which is the closest lifestyle I can think of to freedom and happiness. 

 There is not really much to say about my family. Just like most Chinese of my age, I don’t have any sibling because of the law. I’m not exactly the most outgoing type of person but I do have a few friends that I can share things with. My life has never been adventurous since I tend not to aim high or take unnecessary risks. To me, making decisions has always been about keeping things in balance and avoiding extremes. After all, extremes could be dangerous.

 Ok, that should cover most about me and thanks for reading all my nonsense.

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