Thursday, July 17, 2008

Romeo and Juliet

I had known the plot of "Romeo and juliet" , but I had never thougt this story is such passionate and beautiful !! The movie made a deep impression on me. I feel Romeo and Juliet exactly fall in love. I want to read the book to know the story more deeply.
I understood why "Romeo and Juliet is considered to be the origin english literature. I know many stories like this , and Ithink "Romeo and juliet " has an effect on not only literature but also movie , TV drama and so on.

1 comment:

Professor Philips said...

About reading the book:

The book is a stage play, so the movie is just as good, maybe better, than reading the play. You might also want to see the movie "Shakespeare in Love" which is about his writing this play. The Japanese title is "恋におちたシェイクスピア".