Thursday, January 20, 2011

winter morning


  Early in the morning, I struggled to get up from my warm bad. Pulling back the curtain and all that you could see was white. The ground was almost entirely covered with a thick quilt of snow! Snowflakes were dancing around in the air, so densely that I had to narrow my eyes to find my way. I turned by chance, to where I had come from, and found only two lines of footprints solitarily behind me. I should feel excited when I see view like this just one year ago, but not now!  Because this scenery have last for almost one month and anyone who have seen the same scenery for a month would feel boring.

  Just that time, an old man that was pulled by his dog passed by. It was hard for the dog to walk through such deep snow, but he bravely struggled forward. Being curious about this white thing, he appeared a little excited, jumping, running or sometimes scrambling.
  Finally, I found a thing that can make me feel a little fresh in the morning.

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