Monday, December 12, 2011

About my favorite season

Good evening.
Today I will introduce about my favorite season.

The season I like is winter. It might be someone who does not like, but I think winter has a lot of good side.
First, we enjoy various events in winter. For example, there are Christmas, the New Year which is called "Shougatsu" in Japanese, and the last day of winter in the traditional lunar calendar which is "Setsubun" . "Shougatsu" and "Setsubun" are days which solemnize with families, friends, and so. In "Shougatsu" we look the sunrise on New Year's Day, play karuta, and eat rice cakes. In "Setsubun" we scatter parched beans to drive out evil spirits.  Resently these customs are decreasing, but these are enjoyable when we do it. Christmas is not a Japanese event by nature, however we enjoy this day respectovely.
Second, there are comparatively pastimes in winter. For example, skiing, skating, snowballing, kite-flying, etc. Aomori is the place there are a lot of snow in winter, and especially we can enjoy playing of using snow. It is very cold, for all that they must be fun.
Moreover, foods are really delicious! Warm foods taste very good when it is cold. Soup containing rice cakes is a typical example. If you have not eaten once, you really eat.

Thank you for reading.

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