Thursday, November 01, 2007


Recentry, biased reports which are sent by huge media has been growing up as effective advertising.
Advertising is devided into positive advertising and nagative advertising.
Positive advertising, as you think, emphasize good aspect of the thing or the man.
On the other hand,nagative advertising emphasize bad image to warn people about homicide, marchandise camouflage, corruption case, and so on.
Ofcourse, it is important to listen to werning and prepare for danger.
But the report become heater and heater, stricter and stricter we drive the persons concerned.
For example, in 2005, a news about structural document camouflage case had been overheated, and the accused's wife leaped to death. If the media had not advertised supposition or private things about the accused, she would not sufferd such.
Moreover, especially negative advertising is apt to be creeped in mind of the masses compared to positive advertising.
Because it is advertised as if it is real by news program and news paper, not entertainment program and magazin.
In conclusion, it is important for us to collect reliable information and judge correct thing by myself, not rely on advertising.

1 comment:

taru said...

Wow! Your paragraph is based on very constructive ideas. I think that you have good examples about our information society.