Sunday, May 18, 2008

My favorite movies☆

You must be know Hayao Miyazaki. He is a typical movie director in Japan. He produces a lot of movies. For example,Haurunougokushiro(ハウルの動く城),Sentotihironokamikakusi(千と千尋の神隠し),Mononokehime(もののけ姫),Tonarinototoro(となりのトトロ),Hotarunohaka(火垂れるの墓)…and so on!! I can't introduce all his movies now(xдx;)

You must have watched these movies. If you haven't, you ought to watch!!

My best movie in these is Mononokehime(もののけ姫) the theme is "Be live(生きろ)"

When I watched this movie for the first time, I feld fear. I watched many times and I realized that this movie teachs me awe of natural is losed in our time.Humans have destroied natural environment and life.I think this movie warns human.

If many people watch this movie and think over life, I'm very happy.

Thank you.

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