Saturday, May 17, 2008

my movie


What I can say about my favorite movie is I like to watch many type of movie. Generally I can say that I like watching an adventure,action and historical type of movie such as Harry Potter, Pirate of the Caribbean, Narnia, Spiderman, Batman, Superman and The Lord of the Ring.
I would like to explain about The Lord of the Ring which is one of my favorite movie. This movie full of adventure in their journey to save the world from the evil source. If you watching it you can see how important to be a good man with a clean heart. For me it is a very fantastic movie with great sound effect,graphic and story line.I also want to add some comment about Pirate of the Caribbean. It has a very good story line,character,comedian and action. It is one of the most exciting movie I had watched in my life.
As a nut shell I like to express that movie I love watching many type of movie so I can create different impression and find my truth identity.

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