I guess that you know this architecture.
That's because this was exhibited in Osaka World Exposition in 1970.
I think that this architecture,especially this face,has a peculiar manner.How about you?
This is "Taiyou no tou",made by Tarou Okamoto.
It has three faces located in the front,the back and the top.
Each of them has meaning;white face in the front means the present,black face in the back means the past,gold face in the top means the future.
It is still famous.
Recently, eyes of the tower was turned on a light in March 27th.
I expect that this will be handed down all the time.
So when you have child or grandchild,you should tell them meanings of three faces.
I got information from:http://www1.u-netsurf.ne.jp/~kitada/doc/taiyo/
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