Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My favorite food

  Hello!!  I'll tell you about my favorite food.

  My favorite food is a Japanese sweet called Wagashi(和菓子).  Especially I like Domyoji(道明寺) best.  Domyoji is a kind of sakura rice cakes.  Its smell and color is very sweet, and it is of course delicious!!  I often eat it in spring.

  The sweet I ate most lately is a fish-shaped pancake(たい焼き).  I like it very much, too.  By the way, do you eat it from a tail or from a head?  I always eat from a tail.  But my friends said that those who eat from a tail marries late...  I was shocked when I heard that. But!!  I'll stick to this. I 'll continue to eat from a tail in future.

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