Friday, May 07, 2010


Hello! Did you have nice golden week?
On May third, I went to the Hirosaki park to see cherry blossoms with two friends of mine.The cherry trees were in full bloom then , so they were so beautiful.
Also my family(my father,my mother and I) went to Mutu-City(previous Wakinosawa nura) on May 4th, because my mother is from Wakinosawa. We visited Osore-zan, which is famous for Itako. People say there are ghosts in Osore-zan, but I coudn't see them. Acutually, I felt eerie there.
This is my golden week. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Gaijin Mitch said...

It's good to hear that your Golden Week was fun. I'm really jealous though. I've been reading all your classmates blog posts, and you're all talking about nice weather and going to all these places, but where I live the weather's been really ugly. It's been raining, snowing,gusting; not fun at all. And now that the weather's starting to be nice again, my head's been pounding with migranes (a type of really really bad headache).

I can't wait to be in Japan to see all the stuff you guys are all writing about. 4 months, 4 months more to go.