Thursday, July 22, 2010


Hi, everyone!!
You all write that tomorrow's class is last and this blog is also last so you are pity.
I think so too, but I will write about a different topic.
The topic is cats. I love cats so much!!

I think there are many cats in Hirosaki.
I took these pictures near the campus when I went home.
They are parent and child.
Ooh! They are so pretty, aren't they?
I want to have cats but can't because I have no money to spare and my apartment is one which isn't allowed to have pets.
Cats are caprice and free and uninhirited animal so I long for them.
In the society of human, it is not wise to act like cats, but I think it is OK to take it easy like them occasionally.
Maybe I am a person who have the characteristic of selfish and caprise like cats. Therefore I often bother you.(^-^;) Still, I hope you'll let me ask a favor of you again some time and see you!!

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