Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Free Topic

   Last week, I introduced to "GODZILLA". So I`m going to introduce to "GAMERA".
It is a famous turtle monster. He can breath fire, fly and is so strong. The first film was showed in 1965. It was monochrome film.
   In the Syouwa Era, many monster films, including GAMERA were made for children. So monstors moved comicaly. In the heisei Era, with the development of the filming technology, it is made for not only children, but also adults. The story is more complicated, too.
   Heisei Era GAMERA series are so intersting. When I was a child, I was excited to the battle scene. And now I can see this movie from another view. I think the theme of this movie is environment problem. If you have a chance to see it, please be attention to it.
   This is the last conversation of episode 2.
A: "GAMERA is a guradian deity (守護神) of the earth rather than that of peaple."
B: "Well, if the people continue to destroy the ecosystem..."
A: "We don`t want to make an enemy of him, do we?"

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