Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Favorite Food

Hi guys!I'm Hemian Zhang.What's up?Today,I'm going to tell you about my favorite food,fried pork and vegetable dumplings!

Fried pork and vegetable dumplings,"Gyoza" in japanese,are chinese food,you know.At my home,my mother sometimes makes them and my father and I her to make.We make them from the begining.They are very delicious!The picture on top is our Gyoza!

Thank you to read.

1 comment:

Gaijin Mitch said...

I love gyoza as well! They're good! But I want to tell you about something similar. My mom's from Colombia in South America, and one of the foods that they make there is very similar to gyoza, they're called enpenadas, and they're very tasty. Typically they have beef, or chicken, or pork in them along with rice and vegetables or something vegetables with some sort of gravy. You should look them up on google, maybe you could find somewhere in Japan that sells them.