Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My favorite food

My favorite food is Ramen. It is energetic and nutrious food. My hometown, Asahikawa city is famous for Asahikawa Ramen. There are many Ramen restaurants in Asahikawa city. I would like to tell you my favorite Ramen restaurant. It is Mikazuki which serves delicious ramen. This picture shows a soy sauce taste Ramen. If you go to Asahikawa city, you try it!

1 comment:

Gaijin Mitch said...

Here in Calgary, my city (which is in the provinve of Alberta, Canada), there's not a very large Japanese population, and for the longest time I was trying to find a Japanese restaurant that served authentic Japanese ramen. I found one, but for some reason I think that it's still not going to be as good as the ramen I'll eat while I'm in Japan (their noodles are flown in from Japan, so they're not exactly fresh).