Tuesday, November 04, 2014

My hometown

     Hello. I'm Oishi Takuya. Now, I'll talk about Myhohetown.
     My hometown is Odate City. Odate is in the north part of Akita. It takes only 40 minutes to move to Odate from Hirosaki. So we can go to Odate easily.
     Odate has a lot of delicious foods. One of them is kiritanpo. It is made from rice, akitakomati. Odate people often eat kiritanponabe in winter. I ate it last week. It was very delicious.
     Odate is also Hachi's hometown. Do you know Hachi? He is a smart dog. He is famous in Shibuya. Many people meet ther friends in front of the bronze statue of Hachi. But almost of the people don't know he is from Odate. So I want people to know that.
     If you are interested in Odate, let's go Odate.

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