Thursday, October 30, 2014

My hometown

  Hi! My name is Ryuma Tanaka. My hometown is Aomori City. Aomori City is famous for nebuta(ねぶた) and Sannai-Maruyama Site(三内丸山遺跡). The first, nebuta festival is so great! Many nebutas move in the central city of Aomori City. Many people take part in it every year. They move with nebuta and jump to the rhythm or see it. It is held from August 2 to 7. Speaking of summer, it is nebuta's season. Second,Sannai-Maruyama Site is interesting. My home is near it. An aquaintance livng near my home find an earthen vessel, in Japanese, doki(土器). It is site of the Jomon period. We can feel historical culture.And we can experience various things. mentioned above,
Aomori City is very very wonderful. I'm proud of my hometown.

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