Thursday, April 29, 2010

Kazo city

Hi , everyone!
I'm Mizuki Yano.

I'm from Kazo city in Saitama prefecture.
Then, let me introduce Kazo city.
Do you know Kazo city?
Kazo is northeast in Saitama prefecture. There are about 70,000 people in the city.
Kazo is famous for carp streamers , which are called `KOINOBORI'.
A big festival is held on May 5. In the festival ,`JANBO KOINOBORI ', which is over 100 meters long , swims in the sky. It is very powerful. Many people from all over Japan visit Kazo on May 5 to see it.
Kazo is also famous for `UDON'. You can eat various UDON in Kazo. It's very tasty.

How about visiting Kazo city to see a JANBO KOINOBORI and eat tasty UDON?

1 comment:

Gaijin Mitch said...

I've never had udon I don't think. The only noodles I've ever been able to try in my hometown is ramen (which I'm sure is nothing like ramen in Japan) and soba (again, same thing).

Maybe after my first year at Hirodai I'll go to Kazo and try the udon there. Since I'm planning on travelling anyway, where else should I go?